Wednesday, 23 January 2013

What Are We Fighting For?

I've had just enough time to...   stop fighting...

Taken during a stroll in the park by the Kuching river esplanade

Are men born to fight?
What are they fighting for?
The weak say I fight to defend
I fight for survival
But when they become strong
They covet what is not theirs
And fight to conquer

Men say I fight for my country
But when there is no enemy
They fight among themselves
Men say I fight for my religion
I fight for my God
But God says don’t fight among yourself
Men say they fight for glory
But where is the glory in massacres
In fatherless child and widowed wife
And bones bleached by the sun

When men lament the price of fighting
It is always too late –
Much too late


Where have all the flowers gone?


  1. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.

    That's nice. I wonder why I never noticed them before walking down that same esplanade.


  2. A 1000 Reasons
    In practically every trip to Kuching, I will take an evening walk down the esplanade fronting the Kuching river as it is a very pleasant place to take a stroll. Sometimes I will walk next to the river and sometimes I will walk in the park. In one of the walks in the park beneath the flame of the forest, I came across this interesting gazebo with porcelain bowl sculpture on its roof. They are crude but very well done as it depicted the expression, action and drama of the scene it portrayed very well. It must be about one of the famous stories like Romance of the 3 Kingdoms except there is little romance but a lot of killings.

    Enjoyed reading the text along with the photo...very interesting..
    ★vignettes_IND added this photo to her favorites.

    Like your text with this interesting dramatic shot! The words are really true, cuz we forget that actually we don't need so many things to be happy. Thanks for sharing this nice shot and reminding to stop fighting.

    great prose and verse.... like how you look at things....

    ★娜 娜☂Nana_Slowly catching up added this photo to her favorites.
    Very Great find ... wonderful capture!
    It's is Full of Imagination from your Mind!
    Sweet Day! ! San :)


  3. A 1000 Reasons
    Among the greenery, I think the violence has lost some of the edges and I imagined the warriors are doing the dance. Which is a much better way to deal with the problems of the world. How about a dance to settle our differences?

    great capture

    yes, much much too late..... outstanding!

    ★sethph88, 娜 娜☂Nana_Slowly catching up, and oola * added this photo to their favorites.

    oola *
    "...When men lament the price of fighting
    It is always too late –
    Much too late..."
    that is sooooo true


  4. oola *
    cats and you and me
    the Egyptians loved the cat
    were often entombed with it
    instead of with the child
    and never with the dog.
    and now
    good people with
    the souls of cats
    are very few
    yet here and now many
    fine cats
    with great style
    lounge about
    in the alleys of
    the universe.
    our argument tonight
    whatever it was
    no matter
    how unhappy
    it made us
    remember that
    there is a
    adjusting to the
    space of itself
    with a calm
    and delightful
    in other words
    magic persists with
    or without us
    no matter how
    we may try to
    destroy it
    and I would
    destroy the last chance for
    that this might always
    ~ Charles Bukowski

    Far & Away (26 hours ago)
    Great job, I like it !!
    wish you will have a wonderfull time today !!

    The Visual Poet
    Excellent work! Good day!

    ★The Visual Poet, zneppi, the photo freak, and Geo_grafics added this photo to their favorites.

    Good question ,, I am sure we wont answer it soon ;(

    ★Prometheus_BD added this photo to his favorites.
    Cool capture and enjoyed your text that came along! So very true that sometimes the oppressed turn into oppressors!!

    TarotWoman 2012
    Your journeys prove to be spiritual and educational for many of us........lovely shot of these two dancers. Both fearful faces and yet all part of the play.


  5. Prozak2012
    Fighting is men preferred sport! :(
    Excelente imagen
    Te invito a que formes parte del:

    ★Steve Taylor (Photography) added this photo to his favorites.
    Pink and blue always clash

    such truth! I love this picture, its in a way comical and cute at same time!

    Seen on your photo stream. (?)
