Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Nai Dee Sculptured Huts Part III – Vic Hua Hin & "The Little Touches"

I've had just enough time...   to appreciate little touches

The Elephant God the office guards

While the big picture thrills and astounds
It is the little touch that counts
The one that said with muted voice “we care”
The one that speaks silently from the heart
A flower on the bed, a smile in the morning
Clasped hands and a little bow
Welcome to our world, may our hearts touch
Softly, gently, with harmony and love

The Teddy Bear in front of the hut

“The Little Touches” 
The Elephant God the office guards 
The Teddy Bear in front of the hut 
A probing question that innocently asks 
Answered by little child asleep on the task 
A dance around the clock 
The imp that holds up the block 
A pink umbrella among the green 
A shadow behind the screen 
The spirits of the tree 
And the spirits roaming free 
The lotus under the sun 
Goes to bed when the day is done

 A probing question that innocently asks

Answered by little child asleep on the task

A dance around the clock

The imp that holds up the block

A pink umbrella among the green 

 A shadow behind the screen

The spirits tied to the tree

And the spirits roaming free

The lotus under the sun

Goes to bed when the day is done


  1. ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.

    excellent image with beautiful poem.....
    ★sethph88 added this photo to his favorites.

    1000 Reasons - "Truth & Fishes"
    It is relatively easy to wow visitors with a bold front but inside the lovely facade, it is hollow within. So it is the "little touches" that tells more about the nature or spirit of a place. It is the same with people. Behind that smile, is the person really smiling? So I like to look for "little touches" to know whether the one who built the place meant what they are trying to show us. And in Vic Hua Hin, I found little touches everywhere. And they are a delight to discover. Here I took down just a dozen of many little touches that I found there.

    I left a comment on your little touches but does not register?
    I love your beautiful images and especially that pink Umbrella!
    have a wonderful evening.

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to his favorites.


  2. sethph88
    you're really great, Thou.......

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to his favorites.

    1000 Reasons - "Truth & Fishes"
    Thanks! Sethph88. You're really fast, commenting even before I do! :)
    There are all a dozen of the "little touches" images that I took. I only post 2 in flcikr as it is not so conducive for too many loadings at one time. You'll have to go to my blog if you want to see all 12. Above is an example of one of the delightful little touches - dancing round the clock. It is such a joyful and delightful image to put next to an ordinary clock. Enjoy!


  3. ShambLady is catching up ....slowly ....
    shadow on his head makes it supernice!
    ah!!!!!! they are great! perfect peace and harmony :)
    very beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ★ added this photo to her favorites.

    A quiet, relaxing, peaceful moment shared.
    Such are the very best times of our lives!

    ★5div added this photo to his favorites.

    ShambLady is catching up ....slowly ....
    that is nicely written!! and love the presentation!


  4. Kathy_9
    So sweet. Looks like a well deserved nap after a hard day's work.

    :-) my 10 pm smile. Well spotted and captered

    ★Onasill and oola * added this photo to their favorites.
    oola *
    i checked the blog i have learned to do with your work..smiles...
    what a wonderful series...and such sensitive attention to detail....
    oh you win my really do

    Superb presentation.They look very peaceful in sleep.

    What a cute little dancing creature. Thank you for the smile :-)

    ★Onasill added this photo to his favorites.
    Excellent shot, nicely composed and captured! My compliments on your creativity. Have great day Thou.

    ★oola * added this photo to her favorites.

    Great creation Love it.

  5. Nice post! I like the creative captions under each photo. Want to see the place for myself!


  6. ★娜 娜☂Nana added this photo to her favorites.
    Very pleasant mood, your heart is hiding a lovely soul :))

    Indeed it is a joyful and delightful image Thou! And from this image I learn how to follow 'the time'. You are a creative artist! Enjoy your day!

    ★vignettes_IND added this photo to her favorites.
    too cute...

    ★Prometheus-BD added this photo to his favorites.
    Splendid fun shot...

    ★i_still_believe_in_u and 娜 娜☂Nana added this photo to their favorites.

    娜 娜☂Nana
    What a lovely look....Very CutE! : )
    Nice Weekend! My friend San !:)
    Keep Smiling ッ

    henrhyde (gill) Been Away Catching Up
    Great presentation , with this image .
    Thought provoking words -- yes always the "extras " that count.

    Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages
    Excellent Shot And Impressive Image. Well Done Dear Friend.
    Have Happy Days. Enjoy And Share Your Joy......

    ★october blue added this photo to their favorites.
    Wonderful image and a very delightful poem ! It was a joy to see the images in your blog ...each with a line from the poem ....beautifully done ! I especially liked 'the shadow behind behind the screen ' ...all of them were 'little touches' that brought charm and a smile to the heart. :-) Thanks for sharing :-)
