Sunday, 13 October 2013

If my lips are sealed

I've had just enough time to...   have my lips sealed

Taken of the sealed lips in an exhibition in Kuala Lumpur

If my lips are sealed
I won’t be able to compare
Thee to a summer’s day
Or express in how many ways
I love you

If my lips are sealed
I can only love in silence
Like the undisturbed snow…
Pure and unadorned
Unadulterated by words

I was waiting for a charity event to begin and I wandered as I’m prone to do. I stumbled into a gallery and I liked this exhibit. The first thought was political – about how much we cannot say in this country. But when I draw out this photo to write, I find I did not want to go down that path. I want to write about love. And what can happen if one can’t express it. It is not necessarily bad.


  1. SoulRiser, bjebie, sf1003!, and 1 other people added this photo to their favorites.

    I really like what you saw in the exhibit and the path you chose to take, that of writing about love. Beautifully worded and meaningful.

    Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages
    Very interesting Exhibit Indeed. We Like Your Title And The Poem. VEry Well done My Friend
    Have a Peaceful Sunday.

  2. Very nice Thou San. This is really art! :-)

    Greetings to you from the Netherlands,


  3. ineedathis
    I think this should apply many times to me, not to careful with my mouth:-)
    Great shot of this artwork!

    henrhyde (gill) catching up
    Grand presentation of this image -- great words !

    A captivating composition, excellent image, Compliments Thou

    Mighty wonderful find !!
    Sweet catch ;)

    Greatly framed

    Steve Taylor (Photography) 25 hours ago
    A great sculpture

    a 'love-lock' of a different kind! A sweet poetic interpretation, thou. I see the mark of a cross on the lock. Perhaps it is the constraints of religion that have silenced him


  4. Kim's Pics :)
    HA....this makes me smile, I'm sure there's been a person or two over the years that we all wish had a lock that could be used to stop them from speaking out loud, haha! :D

    october blue
    'There is dignity in silence ' ......'Silence is golden ' . But there are also times when we need to express ourselves ....when we need to be heard . I guess the key is in knowing the right time to speak ....& the right time to remain silent . Excellent find and capture my friend ....always a joy to visit your stream & blog! Have a nice day :-)

    Anna Kwa
    What amazing words you put to this image :-)
    Sometimes silence is golden...but most of the needs to be heard or felt :-) (from a woman's view point ...:-))

    oola * gone for a couple of weeks... thanks to all
    still groggy and waking up but had to hurry to see what you are doing now...smiles...
    I love the words that go with this picture...they are so true ... oh that sounds so trite...
    but it is how I feel in this groggy state... they are beautiful and wonderful...
