Friday, 19 April 2013

Bitter Is The Old House That Known Despair (老屋的辛酸)

I've had just enough time...   to take pity on the old house

Taken of the old house I chanced upon in Teluk Anson in Perak, Malaysia

I stood before the old house
And it just stood there
It knows it can stand longer
Than I can stare
It knows I have questions
It knows I care
About its history and
How it gets there
But it is not about to reveal
Its secret affairs
Why should it tell and
Why should it share?
When all these years
No one cares
It will take its secrets
To its grave
Bitter is the old house
That known despair






  1. 1000 Reasons - (extremely busy...slow to respond)
    After viewing the Leaning Tower of Teluk Anson, we were cruising, driving through the old town when I chanced upon this old abandoned house. I love old houses, they have so much tales to tell. So I stopped the car and took a few shots. Sometimes, I get different vibes from different houses. This one gave me a very sad feeling. It must have know some happy times but they must also be very long ago. After years of neglect, this house has turned bitter...

    Superbly done !!

    artist, photographer, poet.... you're great.........

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to his favorites.

    I agree with you I too wonder about the people that lived in it and their stories,
    For 18 years I made the same trip back and forth to work and home,
    Seen this grand entrance with beautiful sculpted figures on either side,
    I wanted to now how it was like to live in their time,
    after all this time wondering my wife was reading an article about the estate
    with no mansion, it was a property of an Albanian King in exile to US
    after he died the property was given to the county and now is nature preserve, also used for equestrian games.
    ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.


  2. 1000 Reasons - (extremely busy...slow to respond)
    It doesn't reveal much to me. Or does it wants my sympathy. Where was I when it needed it. I've come too late. Now, it just wanted to be left alone and be left to nurse its own sorrow. Sorrow too precious to share. I wished it the best though it seems my wish is meaningless. What do I know of its pain? Sadly, I've to agree. It is best to leave it alone. Thank you, old house. May you have a quiet end.

    great prose, great image.........

    ★sethph88 and ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to their favorites.

    fantastic texture and framing

    ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.
    Love the weathered boards, excellent captures dear Thou!
    Thanks for sharing your treasures:-)
    have a wonderful evening.


  3. ★ineedathis and Prometheus-BD added this photo to their favorites.

    Fascinating shot.. and lovely poem to go with it

    ★vignettes_IND added this photo to her favorites.
    Standing witness to so much history......almost numbed by the experience!

    Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages
    Excellent Image Craft, Well Done My Friend. Days Of Despair Also Will Pass.......!
    Good Day To You....

    The Visual Poet
    Wonderful capture my friend!

    ★i_still_believe_in_u and Onasill added this photo to their favorites.

    Excellent capture and well composed. Compliments

    Fantastic. Have a nice weekend
    wonderful capture! a moaning house!

    ★, oola *, and saoret58 added this photo to their favorites.

    muy buena
    me gusta ese elemento repetitivo y sus texturas

    henrhyde (gill) Been Away Catching Up
    Yes -- memories are locked in the walls of old houses.
    My Welsh farmhouse , 400 years old has happy memories.
    It creaks and talks to me !
    Beautiful presented image and poem , Thou -San

    ahhh ... love the wrods, yes old buildings could tell us so many secrets....they never do...I think about real real old trees often...if they just could talk .....


  4. ★zneppi, the photo freak added this photo to his favorites.
    Lovely poem to go with that imege.

    Cheri Sundra: Guerrilla Historian
    Wonderful image & poem! I love "old houses" and their beauty/ despair too!

    Still life goes on...
    Probably the end of an old and beginning of a new is the rule of thumb in this earth. See, how the green plants are growing beside this old house, and who knows the old house may feel better, instead of feeling bitter, having the gentle breeze of those trees and viewing the lovely green leaves...

    ★娜 娜☂Nana added this photo to her favorites.
    Sorry, your English ... very deep meaning ...
    Can be translated into Chinese? >"<
    and the scenery very charming.

    october blue
    Evocative image and fine words . Ahhhh...if those walls could only talk ! So many memories ...both happy and sad . So many seasons .....rainy and dry ....peaceful and stormy . And we await the end ....(both people and houses ) ...we learn to take the bitter with the sweet .
    ★october blue and ptorresnvao added this photo to their favorites.

    ★Onasill added this photo to his favorites.
    A striking beauty in the abandonment. Well framed for the effect.

    ★oola * added this photo to her favorites.

    You make me sad Thou, with all your thoughtful series!
