Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Flower Outside The Fence

I've had just enough time...   to admire the flower that strayed outside the fence

Saw these lovely flowers inside a fence during a casual walk in Munich...

There was a flower that would not stay
Where it is safe and orderly
Her contented sisters warned
Of a cruel world waiting but
She said -
“I know we all live and die
And even if I were to die earlier
I want to die outside the fence”

...and saw this adventurous flower sticking outside the fence

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above 

Don't fence me in 
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love 
Don't fence me in 

Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze 
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees 
Send me off forever but I ask you please 
Don't fence me in

Bing Crosby - Don't Fence Me In 


  1. 1000 Reasons - (extremely busy...slow to respond)
    I've an evening free in Munich on the Octoberfest month and I do what I normally do in another country with time to spare - I walk. I walked through the suburb looking for hidden treasures and treasures I found a-plenty like the "Buddha by the Wood" and even Pussy Riot :) in earlier posts. As I walked through small street, I came across wooden fences and behind them, beautiful yellow flowers were blooming. However, there was one particular flower that was different...

    ★Onasill added this photo to his favorites.
    This is brilliant. A wonderful creative capture. Hmmm....inside the fence.

    ★oola * added this photo to her favorites.
    love the contrast of the busy texture with the plain one...

    ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.
    I love the weathered look on this fence,\It must be beautiful time of the year there, I was in Munich when I was in the merchant marine, had to take train from there going back to Greece,
    Very beautiful dear friend!
    Happy Wednesday!

    great have a creative eye...great clarity as well...even the nails on the fence seem to stand out...:)

    ★i_still_believe_in_u added this photo to their favorites.


  2. 1000 Reasons - (extremely busy...slow to respond)
    It decided that the safe world behind the fence is not for it. It wanted to savour the wild world outside. It poked itself out between the fence and smiled at the world and the passer-by. It risked being snatched away but it braved it all because it wanted to see outside the confine of the fence. It was willing to risk it all. And in doing it, it brought cheers to all who was lucky to chance upon it. At the fading light, I bode it farewell and wished it a long life so it can enjoy both the world and bring more cheers to it.

    This sparks up my morning here in Toronto. Can't wait for ours. Wonderfully set and composed.

    ★Onasill and oola * added this photo to their favorites.

    oola *
    you are amazing at finding the meanings in the things you see...
    your images are poetry and you seem to find them at first glance...
    because, with the enormity of the traveling you do... you must have to capture these things "on the move"... your ability to "see" is remarkable... and wonderful

  3. Beautiful post again Thou-San!

    Sincerest greetings from the Netherlands,


  4. ★i_still_believe_in_u added this photo to their favorites.

    snowshoe hare
    What a lovely scene !
    Beautiful capture !
    ★snowshoe hare added this photo to her favorites.

    henrhyde (gill) Been Away Catching Up
    Great image -- thought provoking.
    Fly free -- take all chances--- dont be fenced in !

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to his favorites.

    ★kelly dilello added this photo to her favorites.

    ★sethph88 added this photo to his favorites.
    die free, unchained.....excellent image............

    Pretty and beautiful..

    ★TheJudge310 added this photo to his favorites.
    Really, really good shot. Keep it goin!

    Paddu Rao
    Beautiful !

    ★Prometheus-BD added this photo to his favorites.
    Magnificent shot.. superb focus and clarity!!!

    ★The Visual Poet added this photo to her favorites.
    Beautiful capture! Great words! :)

    ★Suncokret2013 and 娜 娜☂Nana added this photo to their favorites.

    娜 娜☂Nana
    I love the mood of your words ...

    Sarinhah Ribeiro
    Cerca muito enfeitada de flores. Bonita por isso.

    ★october blue added this photo to their favorites.
    Flowers and fences are a marraige made in photography heaven ...something about seeing them together pleases the eye and the soul ! When we go for a walk In October , there is often something of interest around every corner ...and your keen eye and imagination captured a lovely image....and a fine story to go with it . Well done ! .

    love the words..........................


  5. ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ and novecenta35 added this photo to their favorites.

    This is beautiful..Lovely composition.

    excellent shot.......

    Beautiful macro, stunning.

    ★Mohammed.Pix, Suncokret2013, Maria.Nicole,, and Bibi Tiffany(Fang) added this photo to their favorites.

    Paddu Rao
    Dear Flower ! You should be more careful ! There are always bad people who can harm you !

    ★mcginley2012 and spsbettencourt added this photo to their favorites.

    ha ha ha!
    Probably Thou is there to protect her! :) Finally you presented a cheerful flower after all the sad stories. Thanks Thou!

    ★Jam_picz, ptorresnvao, AshtonPal, jurajurayo, and 3 other people added this photo to their favorites.

  6. What a lovely and delightful find Thou - and marvelous story and philosophy behind it too. We all often come across this dillema of whether to stay where we feel safe or to take a chance a life to the fullest. This flower took its chance and had a great fortune to come across a caring, thoughtful and interestingly eccentric soul who didn't cut its life short but decided instead to kneel down at the spur of the moment (regardless of what anyone else thought) and take this very beautiful shot. Now not only has this pretty flower had a chance to gaze at the world beyond the fence safely but also to become famous in its own way through flickr and bring joy and delight to many viewers. I love happy endings. : ))
