"The sharp knife of a short life

I've had just enough time..."

- "If I Die Young" The Band Perry

I see Beauty in many things. And like the ghosts that only speak to you if you notice them, they tell me wondrous tales. With my camera and my thoughts, I captured these as faithfully as I can to share with you. And by doing so, they gave me the reasons. And though the thousand reasons may not all be sweet and some indeed bitter; they are still reasons to live. Come to think about it, that is Life, isn't it?

Friday, 20 July 2012

How Do You Love Your Flowers?

I've had just enough time to...   love my flowers

Taken of the orchids in my garden...

How a flower looks
Depends very much on where it appears.

Will you go near a flower
Blooming on a cow dung’s heap?

Will you tame a jungle
To get near a wild bloom?

and the dancing ladies doing a wild dance in the wind...

Do you appreciate the common petals
Grown in your own garden?

Or do you covet that
Grown in your neighbor’s yard?

Do you value a flower
Because of its rich surrounding?

And not give a second glance
To that flowering in a junk yard?

while the prosperity flowers welcome the God of Prosperity, still waiting...

Do you love flowers for it beauty?
Or do you love flowers for its virtues?
Or do you love flowers because they are flowers?


  1. A 1000 Reasons
    These orchids are grown in my garden and I favored orchids for its lasting beauty. Having so little time with me leaving the house at the light of day and returning when it is already pitch dark, I’ve little time to appreciate their bloom except for the weekends I’m not working. And that is not that many these days. I love flowers as most of you do. But why do you? Is it eye candy or something deeper? What will your answer be when someone ask you such an obvious question?
    Orchids are the most common flowers in my garden. I only have a small garden so most of these are grown in flower pots.

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ and Nikita_70 added this photo to their favorites.

    I think for me it would be how the light enhances their colors (like in this picture for instance) and how they seem to appear from nowhere :)

    Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages
    A Beautiful Work And Excellent Presentation. Well done My Friend.
    Te Simple Answer Is: "LOVE ALL", Why Should There Be Discrimination.?
    Thank You And Best Wishes.

    ★henrhyde (gill) added this photo to her favorites.
    I love flowers for their beauty and colour.

    Thank you for your comments on my gallery photos are beautiful as always and your always beautiful gallery .. my congratulations that you have a lovely weekend alongside his family and friends stay with god and a big hug thank you wholeheartedly ..

  2. These dancing ladies were doing a wild dance in the wind when I shot them. They are lovely to watch...

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ and Nikita_70 added this photo to their favorites.

    Well done my friend.
    This photo was invited and added to the Written Pages group.

    This beautiful chapter has been seen in WRITTEN PAGES.


  3. MAMEDE HARFOUCHE (22 hours ago)
    الله أكبر * " ALLAH HU AKBAR! "

    ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.
    I love the color in them, very beautifully composed shot!
    have a great weekend!

    Miguel A. D.
    Fantástico trabajo, con un magnifico procesado.
    This photo was invited and added to the NOSSAS FLORES ✿ OUR FLOWERS group.
    This photo was invited and added to the PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® group.

    ★Ana Librillana added this photo to her favorites.

    old tea
    Gorgeous capture !!!

    Blue Phoenix Images
    Beautiful capture, excellent composition and color!

    Such a beautiful color.

    Sunciti _ Sundaram's Images + Messages
    This Is An Excellent Picture. We Like It. You Are Right. My Dear Friend. I Have No Reason to Dis-agree.
    Much Appreciations For Your Visit , Comments And Appreciations. Thank You
    Stay Connected, Enjoy And Share Your Joy, That Is What Flickr Is All About.

    I agree. I prefer my flowers away from dung heaps. :)

    How do I love thee ..... let me count the ways ..
    A thought provoking question, thou, one I'd not considered before. A seemingly simple question ... but not. In the recesses of my mind I find associations I've made to different flowers for different reasons over a lifetime. As far back as I can remember have considered the white daisy my fave flower ...for its beautiful simplicity I would have said before you asked your question .. but now I'm flooded with sweet memories from childhood .... sitting on the ground making 'daisy chains' from the tiny lawn daisies common in the UK ...wearing them at the wrist, ankle, neck, as a wreath around the head, feeling like 'a child of the universe' though without the vocabulary to describe it as such at the time.
    Jonquils ...impossible not to associate Tennessee William's theatrical masterpiece "The Glass Menagerie".
    The pansy ... because I can't help but see the vision of an angel as its centre.
    Trilliums .... and I see a young woman I unexpectedly came upon in a forest once upon a time ... with long blonde hair, floating green dress, & a crown of fresh jonquils on her head. She looked like a woodland nymph escaped from ancient mythology. And I was spellbound by her daring. Why? because, as canada's national flower, there's some kind of by-law that says they are not to be picked & I wouldn't have dared do such a thing.
    Tulips .... choose one of each colour & I can have a rainbow sitting in my living room.
    The list goes on ...but it's Saturday morning & I must go to the market. Btw, I too saw only the lovers initially in the sculpture ...it was a peculiar shift when I learned the artist's intention. Have a good weekend. And may the 'water of life' be available to quench your thirst *~*

    ★ana_lee_smith and 娜 娜☂Nana added this photo to their favorites.

    娜 娜☂Nana
    Beautiful orchids...
    Of course I love Smelly tofu!so yummy!!!

    ★cida ivonery mirada and Steve Taylor (Photography) added this photo to their favorites.

    Steve Taylor (Photography)
    I wish these beauties grew where I lived

  4. many thanks with regard to sharing. i became searching for as well.


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