"The sharp knife of a short life

I've had just enough time..."

- "If I Die Young" The Band Perry

I see Beauty in many things. And like the ghosts that only speak to you if you notice them, they tell me wondrous tales. With my camera and my thoughts, I captured these as faithfully as I can to share with you. And by doing so, they gave me the reasons. And though the thousand reasons may not all be sweet and some indeed bitter; they are still reasons to live. Come to think about it, that is Life, isn't it?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Happy Valentine – Saying it with Orchids & “Desired Things”

I've had just enough time to...   say it with orchids and desired things...

All these orchids are taken in my garden in their as many different moods as us...

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so I’ll postpone my intended post to wish all my readers a “Happy Valentine” and I’ll say it with a dozen of the orchids that I decorated my garden for the Chinese New Year. It has become a yearly ritual to bring more colors into my surroundings. Roses are lovely and I love the fragrance but few flowers last as long as the orchids which I think makes it a more appropriate flower to declare your lasting affection with. 

And I will also take the occasion to share a poem “Desiderata” (Latin for “Desired Things) by Max Erhmann which though is not a romantic poem is romantic in spirit for it concludes that “it is still a beautiful world”, “Be cheerful. Strive to be happy”. It is something I like to share. Try something different this year, say it with orchids and a poem (not necessarily a love poem) and see what happens. :) 

"Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story"

"Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."

 "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time."

"Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism."

"Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass."

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness."

"Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here."

"And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful."

"Strive to be happy."



  1. ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.
    Gorgeous orchid for Valentine's day!

    ★-Josh Birchall- added this photo to his favorites.
    amazing shot love the details

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ and ho.ge added this photo to their favorites.

    a wonderful orchid macro with beautiful jewels on it!
    Happy Valenttin's Day to you!!!!!!!

    Hello, I am a moderator for Floral Fantasy and we would love to have your image added to the group!!
    Your Photo is a True Floral Fantasy!
    We would love you to add it to our group!


  2. ★Prometheus_BD added this photo to his favorites.
    This is stunningly beautiful and a visual delight my friend

    ★henrhyde (gill) added this photo to her favorites.
    Beautiful presentation of this floral image -- very well done , Thou -San

    ★october blue added this photo to their favorites.
    So beautiful and fresh ! I think purple or pink are the prettiest shades of color on a flower to showcase the beauty of water drops ....you have captured the effect in a very lovely way . Gorgeous image !

    ★ishratzakiasultana added this photo to their favorites.
    Thanks for the valuable words that you've put with this stunningly beautiful capture!

    you always win when you put together petals and droplets!

    Very beautiful shot and colors

    A visual extravaganza it is...Happy Valentine's Day to u and a Happy Chinese New Year, too...:)

    ★vignettes_IND and oola * added this photo to their favorites.

    oola *
    so fresh... i can almost inhale the fragrance... touch the delicate, fragile petals...
    beautiful... all three of lthese photos...
    taking a deep breath and inhaling all that flowers are... as an emotional balm... catharsis

    ★Rajagiri, KEVIN_ART, and magnusl67 added this photo to their favorites.

  3. ΞSSΞ®®Ξ and ishratzakiasultana added this photo to their favorites.

    I keep looking at their beauty where sunlight even adds something more to this delicate flowers!

    ★oola *, KEVIN_ART, and magnusl67 added this photo to their favorites.

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ added this photo to his favorites.
    wonderful colors!!

    ★october blue added this photo to their favorites.
    A wonderful message in image and words ! Gorgeous color and detail of the beautiful orchids . Thanks for sharing, my friend ....Happy Valentiene's Day to you as well :-)
    p.s. I wish that I could tell you the secrets that the butterfly whispered to me ....but ...if I did ....they would no longer be secrets :-)

    What a wonderful shift, from frog and water snack to lovely orchids! :)
    Thanks for this elegant presentation!

    ★oola * and Rajagiri added this photo to their favorites.

    One of my favorite poems. Thank you for the lovely orchids and Valentine wish. The same to you my friend. ♥

    ★KEVIN_ART and magnusl67 added this photo to their favorites.


  4. Geo_grafics
    Ya sure got this one shinin wonderfully !!
    Peace Brother !!

    Neticola (Nikon D7000 with Oil/Dust Spots Issue)
    Wonderful capture, well done..and congrats on Explore...
    Via Today's Explore at #143 on Fluidr

    Sabit BD
    Lovely !
    Happy Valentines Day :-)

    Dreaming ...
    Outstanding shot well done ~

    Yasmin de light - on and off
    A gorgeous capture my friend. Such lovely tones and beautiful colours and textures. Looks like you have taken good care of this flower. Happy Valentine's day to you too Thou : ))

    Rolando CRINITI
    very nice !!

    beautiful macro !
    seen in explore

    ingrid eulenfan
    Perfektes Foto! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Explore! LG. Ingrid!
    Via Today's Explore at #122 on Fluidr

    ★ineedathis, -Josh Birchall-, ΞSSΞ®®Ξ, ho.ge, and 26 other people added this photo to their favorites.


  5. BD@Mona
    Congrats on Explore !!!


    le cabri
    Great one


    Brian Kim Studio
    Nice shot

    Well done... Congrats on Explore!

    ♥ Katie ann .
    I Just Love your Beautiful Flower image
    It would be an honour to have it added to the group.
    If you are not a member yet
    Please join our group and add this beautiful image to

    ♥ PEGASUS ♥Have a lovely day♥
    Awesome capture!
    Happy Valentines day
    Congrats on Explore!

    She is a beauty !!!

    Axa_Sofia moments
    Una foto estupenda!

  6. The open beta of Dungeons and Dragons-inspired MMORPG Neverwinter will finally come to its end on June 20, when the game will be officially launched! Cryptic Studios is running special End of Neverwinter Open Beta Events to commemorate the game's transition from beta to release build! Want to see what’s on, pick up neverwinter diamonds on safewow and join the events to improve your game chances in Neverwinter!


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