"The sharp knife of a short life

I've had just enough time..."

- "If I Die Young" The Band Perry

I see Beauty in many things. And like the ghosts that only speak to you if you notice them, they tell me wondrous tales. With my camera and my thoughts, I captured these as faithfully as I can to share with you. And by doing so, they gave me the reasons. And though the thousand reasons may not all be sweet and some indeed bitter; they are still reasons to live. Come to think about it, that is Life, isn't it?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Ways We Fish.

I've had just enough time to...   think about the way I fish.

Taken of the fisherman under the hot tropical sun in Kuching River

There are many ways one can catch a fish
We can do it with one rod
Or we can do it with nine
That explains the way we approach Life

There are many ways we can reach a destination
We can do it fast and easy
Or take many detours along the way
That explains the way we take our journeys

Taken of the very relaxed fisherman

There are many ways we can love
We can do it intensely
Or do it lovingly forever
That explains the nature of our heart

There are many ways we can live our Life
You can tell by the way we fish, or not


  1. A 1000 Reasons
    I was strolling along the esplanade of the Kuching river when I spied this fisherman in the middle of it. This was under the hot tropical sun, hot enough to bake your skin. You will get a sun-burnt only after a few minutes. But this brave soul just bundled himself up from head to foot leaving only a slit for his eyes to see and fingers free to hook his bait. Still, it must be very very hot. To increase his chances, he used multiples rod and lines. How many can you count? His passion is hotter than the tropical sun, I guess.

    ★Nikita_70 added this photo to her favorites.

    I used to use drop line and used to catch more than some with all the fancy rods,
    Great shot my friend!
    Can you tell me whats with all the coverings?

    A wonderful capture. Very impressive with the covering. Mosquoitoes?

    ★ΞSSΞ®®Ξ [*45500* 2 euro x l'Emilia] added this photo to his favorites.
    great captures of fishing behaviors...

    ★henrhyde (gill) added this photo to her favorites.
    Beautiful images ---fishing,
    Great , evocative words.
    Yes we need to slow down in life.
    Absorb our surroundings---not rush things.

    Wow! That's serious! Nice shot!

  2. A 1000 Reasons
    He is not the only one. Further down the river, is another fisherman. But this one adopted a very relaxed style with his legs extending over the side of his boat and a cigarette in his mouth. He too have multiples rods. You really can tell a bit about a person by the way he fishes.

    ★ineedathis added this photo to his favorites.
    He is definitely geared to catch, with one exception the smoking I love to be in his place,
    Lovely shot!

    ★H.R. Hatfield added this photo to his favorites.
    Very nice capture of this scene!

    ★Steve Taylor (Photography) added this photo to his favorites.
    All wrapped up except his poor freezing toes
    This photo was invited and added to the PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® group.

  3. ★anwarsiak***sibuk*** added this photo to his favorites.
    Nice shot!

    ★H.R. Hatfield added this photo to his favorites.
    So many fishing lines. Great shot!

    KEEP SAFE, Thou.
    الله أكبر * " ALLAH HU AKBAR! "

    ★i_still_believe_in_u and ♥♥Ever-Green Veronica♥♥ added this photo to their favorites.

    ♥♥Ever-Green Veronica♥♥
    Brilliant realization.... and so interesting "ways to approach life.............."
    Good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... and much positivity to you ..... :-)

    Many in Asia think we're crazy to have skin colors changed by the sun. This person is careful in the extreme.
    Nice image.

    Could you send a little bit of this sun to us? :))
    a wise man, he sure has made his experiences with the sun!
    ★ho.ge added this photo to her favorites.

    This photo was invited and added to the PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® group.

    ★Kooklamou - MA., USA added this photo to her favorites.
    Now that is a dedicated fisherman!!! Wow! Great shot!

    ★rino_savastano added this photo to his favorites.
    very well composed image!

    Fantastica!!! un pescatore così non l'ho mai visto:-))!

    A Ninja Fisherman!

    Excellent capture! And I very much enjoy your philosophical comments.

    ★dodagp added this photo to her favorites.
    Fabulous scene you captured again,my friend, and you have so reflectively approach life.
    Nice composite and subject,Thou.You have touched so many issues concerning our attitude towards life.
    I am really impressed how effectively the fisherman has protected himself from the hot tropical sun and I wonder,if he does it for a living or it is simply his favourite pastime.
    He seems well-equipped and organised,though.

    I feel the beauty of life in your photo

    ★Yasmin de light - added this photo to her favorites.
    For some reason at first glance I thought this was a fishing lady. A fisherwoman. Perhaps because the clothes and hat look more feminine in colours and style to me. I think this fisherman/woman likes to make sure he/she is well presented in whatever he/she might be doing. I also suspect he/she is less experienced and confident then the other fisherman, so he/she doesn't seem as laid back and multi-tasking as the other one. Still this doesn't seem to stop this person from having dreams and hopes of catching lots of fish and making the most of their opportunities (or passion). Perhaps this doesn't necessarily imply promiscuity, but rather a need to meet as many possbilities with the view of ultimately finding their soul mate. Or at least a sole fish. he he he : ))

    good one

    ★Steve Taylor (Photography) added this photo to his favorites.
    If you have to dress up that much it must be far too cold

  4. This photo was invited and added to the PHODDÁSTICA!!! ® group.

    ★dodagp added this photo to her favorites.
    Indeed,many,many ways we can live and enjoy our life !!!
    Love the way he comfortably sits on his " throne-like boat and his casual clothing.He has his own way to enjoy life and do the fishing with a cigarette in his mouth. He is a very passionate smoker,a great angler ...
    I enjoyed your fishing-related posts and I fished quite interesting information.It was really fun !!!

    Please add your wonderful photo to:

    ★Yasmin de light -added this photo to her favorites.
    Love these fishing shots Thou. They are so different and fascinating. I have never seen anyone covering their face to the extent these two are doing whilst fishing. I don't think I have seen anyone with so many fishing rods lined up at one time either. Either these two have a very special style of fishing or I haven't seen enough fisherman in action to understand real fishing. If the former is true then this guy certainly looks like he likes he knows how to make the most of his life and love life lol. He seems to know how to relax and work at the same time, and he never puts his eggs in one basket when it comes to love or opportunities (or shall I say he never puts his worms/baits on one rod) ha ha ha. As always you pick some wonderful topics for us to reflect on my friend. And the shots are brilliant too. : ))

    Prozak 2012 (aka zakketty3000)
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    The Old Port


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